In Search of The Digitally Expanded City
How does it feel to walk the streets of London when the city has been expanded by technologies that blur the boundary between the physical world and the digital realm, between physical objects and their representations in the digital field as data?
As ubiquitous and mobile computing (ubicomp) becomes implemented in real-time, real-world environments they breach their own disciplinary boundaries. Once active in the city, digital spatial systems become entangled in wider cultural systems of meaning and power. They become embroiled within the messy complexity of how individuals produce understandings of space, which are simultaneously personal and emotional, yet also social, cultural and political.
One important consequence of ubicomp’s desire to become invisible is that it renders power and control also invisible. To develop a spatial politics and ethics of the digitally expanded city the invisible geographies of ubiquitous and mobile computing need to be rendered visible and brought into critical discourse.
For Approaching Estate John Wild will present a walking workshop that encourages participants to explore and map the invisible geographies of the digitally expanded city

Event text
Approaching Estate
methodologies for practices of site and place
Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 April 2019
Furtherfield Commons,
Finsbury Park,
N4 2DE
Approaching Estate is a four-day encounter with the specificities of site, place and landscape as contexts for artistic and other creative enquiry.
The event will consist of interlinking presentations, field performances, films and discussions gathering together a range of artistic, interdisciplinary and collaborative practices. These include experimental cartographies, situated practices, interfaith cultural exchange and creative critiques of land ownership and management.
We are using an expanded idea of estate to encompass the various ways in which space is configured, managed, and conceptualised as place, an approach which involves a broad community of interests and rights.
Approaching Estate is concerned with examining the ethics and efficacy of methodologies of engagement; the protocols and terms of socially-engaged practices; the agency and possibilities afforded by creative practices; the beneficiaries and benefits of the work produced; meaningful and sustainable processes of collaboration.
The core ethos of Approaching Estate is that critical research arises from shared processes of exchange, with the aim of setting agendas for future practice. a sensingsite event
Sophie Alston, Steven Ball, Veronique Chance, Adriana Cobo Corey, The Common Line (John Wylie and Volkhardt Mueller), Kate Corder, Mark Dean, Difference Exchange (Ben Eastop, Tim Eastop, John Hartley), Ann Donnelly, The Dzhangal Archaeology Project (Louise Fowler, Sarah Mallet, Gideon Mendel), Erika Flowers, Warren Harper, Fay Hoolahan, Lucas Ihlein, Greer MacKeogh, Jeremie Magar, Stelios Manganis, Julie Marsh, Matterlurgy (Helena Hunter and Mark Peter Wright), Pat Naldi, Ingrid Pollard, Judy Price, Ingrid Pumayalla, Caitlin Shepherd, Lynn Silverman, James Swinson, Susan Trangmar, Ed Wall, John Wild.